PRIME SQUAD Kinder Classes are 85 minutes in length - the ideal time span for children in this age range (5 to 6 years old).
Kids this age can concentrate longer, and their brain functions are much more sophisticated. We incorporate typical subject matters in our Prime Squad, focusing on:
MATH - parts and whole, simple problem solving, puzzles
SCIENCE - plants, insects, birds, matter
SOCIAL STUDIES - vehicles, heroes, important people
STORY-TELLING - fables, riddles
VALUES - competition, love for nature, honesty
There will be more academic component, and less play aspect. This is to make them ready for big schools. They need to be armored with better academic skills to excel in their elementary years.
Our Class Size is the most ideal: 6 to 8 children only. The best value for your money for your child's education.
Your child may join us anytime! Our curriculum is designed to accommodate any child any month of the year. We follow the Fuller Method for our alphabet. And your child can experience all the fun topics throughout the year!
New students must be evaluated for proper placement, and if they can already join preschool classes. Child must join for 3 days for this assessment. The Php500.00 Assessment Fee is forfeited in case of no show on chosen dates and given time. Fee will be asked again for new evaluation date and time.
Mondays to Fridays
Choose From (Subject to Available Slot):
7:30am to 8:55am
9:00am to 10:25am
10:30am to 11:55am